Wallpaper Changer - It's Time To Change


Wallpaper Changer - Main Window

Main Window

Initial Options

Wallpaper Options

Resize/Tile Options

Color Options

Advanced Options


The window displays a list of the files in the current wallpaper list. The part to the left of this, displays a preview of the selected wallpaper, as well as the pictures size (in pixels) and its folder. Use those arrows to move a picture up and down the list. The   name of the Wallpaper List you are currently using is shown below.

[Open / Add]


Use this button to add a wallpaper or open a new list.

Tip 1: You can open multiple lists at one time. A new list named "untitled.wpl" will be created.

Tip 2: You can enter complete directorys by using  drag & drop with your Windows Explorer.

Tip 3: You can use relative paths in your .wpl list by editing them manually. This might be useful, if you like to create collections of pictures with a corresponding picturelist. You can move them to other locations or burn on CDR without loosing the functionality (for example: movie\x-files.jpg).

[Search ...]


Search for pictures on you hard drive and add them to the list.

[Save ...]


Save the current list. Choose [Save current list as ...] to save the list with a different name.



Apply the currently selected picture as your wallpaper.



This button starts / stops  the changing if you have chosen 
to change the desktop in a more frequently mode (like after 30 minutes).



Open the options screen.



Exit Wallpaper Changer

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Wallpaper Changer is copyright (c) 1997- 2001 Frank Pleitz. Microsoft, MS, Windows, Windows NT, Win32 and Win32s, Internet Explorer are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. JPEG is a trademark of the Independent JPEG Group. GIF is a trademark Compuserve Inc.. The GIF image data itself is compressed using a LZW scheme. Please note that the LZW algorithm is patented by UniSys.